
Posts Tagged ‘Ministry of God’

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Scripture reading: Romans 10:17

It is a common error which most of us make when in the heat of the battle – we forget that our power to overcome does not lie in ourselves or in our effort, but in our faith IN GOD. Faith does not necessarily have to be in God. Men can have faith in themselves, or in other persons, or even in other spirits. Today we find that this positive, but misplaced faith has invaded the Christian realm and is causing people to believe for things which are contrary to God’s will. Faith therefore can produce result and yet be not of God. The type of faith used by a well-known “Rev” in New York to produce property and riches, definitely works for those who believe, yet he does not even pretend that it is of God. This faith forms the basis of occult practices, but more and more it is being used by the Christian ministries to produce material results, without spiritual victory. In order to have the VICTORY we must place our faith in God, NOT COMMANDING GOD, as some of us believe we should do, but BELIEVING HIM to destroy the works of the world and the devil in our lives. To believe God, is righteousness.

Many of us are ready and willing to believe God but are lost in the confusion of voices, and cannot have a clear-cut word upon which to place our faith. God has provided ways and means for us to overcome this confusion.  There are basically three avenues through which God is speaking to us:

  1. God is speaking to us through His ministry – BUT there is a thousand ministers preaching a thousand different messages!
  2. God is speaking to us through His word – BUT there are so many different translations saying different things – I do not know which to follow!
  3. God is speaking to us from within by His own voice – BUT I hear so many voices within that I do not know when it is self, the devil, or God!

In spite of the many ministries and the many voices speaking different things, the Lord God has only one ministry and one voice. Any voice which gives you VICTORY over the world, the flesh, and the devil, is the voice of God. You can get victory over an ailment, or victory over financial problems, BUT that is not the barometer by which you can test the voices. The test lies in the fact that you are gaining the victory over worldliness, carnality, and the influence of the devil in your life. The whole world lies under the influence of the devil; sociology, psychology, all the sciences, and even theology are the instruments of Satan to bring the people under his power. There is not one facet of our physical world around us which is not controlled by Satan, therefore, we must hear the voice of God in order to counteract these other voices.

(Excerpt from The Omega Message, May 1986)

Thought for today: Any voice which gives you VICTORY over the world, the flesh, and the devil, is the voice of God.

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Scripture reading: John 17:18-23

The problem that we have among ourselves in the church is that we need to see the ministry functioning. Each person should be asking God, “What can I do?” One time a brother was telling us what his father used to say, “Well, sweep the floor.” You are asking, “God, what is my purpose?” “God, what am I supposed to be doing?” “What part of the Body am I?” He sent you out there to sweep the floor, and all of a sudden while you are sweeping the floor, you find yourself. You clean up refrigerators, and then you find yourself.

God is now bringing the Body together as one. He said that you would be one, even as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are one (John 17:21). Do you know why? Because there is one Spirit, and there is no division. Do you know what the apostolic business is? All it is is somebody who hears from God and gives it to you. So the apostolic vision is being sent out to the brethren, and the prophetic Word comes forth. The evangelist begins to do his thing. Some people believe that if you are an evangelist, you must go out and get revelations from God. Any evangelist that is getting a revelation from God is not an evangelist. He is an apostle. In other words, the revelation of the Spirit of the Word comes from God through the apostolic ministry to the brethren. Then you take it and begin to function under the apostolic ministry as parts of this ministry!

The next thing, the prophet gets a Word; he comes out with it, and the Word is to quicken you, to strengthen you, to help you to follow the apostolic Word. If there is another word coming forth, it is not God. God says, “Know them that labor among you” (I Thessalonians 5:12).

When I give out the Word, some of the brethren say, “Brother duCille wants everybody to follow him.” It couldn’t be further from the truth. God told me to have nothing to do with the bride. “Keep away from the bride,” He said. “Don’t bring forth any of your thoughts or things in the bride.” That was my instruction. I hope I am accomplishing it. I try my best. So, I don’t want anybody to follow me. What I am afraid of is that you are not following what God is telling me, and that’s the problem. Because, when God calls a person and gives him a direct Word, it is not something that he made up. I didn’t go to Bible school to learn it. I just listen to God and He carries me through the waters, through the fire. I gave up my accounting profession, because I couldn’t even think like an accountant any more. I had to give it up. I gave up everything that I knew and I began to concentrate on the Word of God. What you have is a ministry, a function that I have nothing to do with. I listen and I speak to you. I don’t write down what I have to say. What I am trying to say is that you have a privilege that not many people have, to hear from someone who has a fresh flow from God. Now, if it is not God, you must tell me. The fruit of what I am saying must come forth in you or else it is a waste of time.

So the point is that God appoints men and women with good faculties, who can listen and say, “Wait, this didn’t feel right!” “This did not sound right!” When you say that, it is a blessing to me. When anybody comes to me and says, “What you preached tonight didn’t sound right!” it is a blessing to me. The blessing is that I don’t know anything for myself. If you say something, I go back to God and say, “Did You tell me this, or did this come out of my mind?” If ever I find that it came out of my mind, I will be the first one to correct it. The reason is that I must bring forth Christ in His people. I cannot fail God. I cannot say things that are in my own mind. I cannot behave as I would love to sometimes. But God wants the Word to come straight to you and so that is what I must do.

(Excerpt from Keeping in Touch, December 2006, pg. 9)

Thought for today: The revelation of the Spirit of the Word comes from God through the apostolic ministry to the brethren. Then you take it and begin to function under the apostolic ministry as parts of this ministry!

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Scripture reading: II Corinthians 6:16

The reality that God is bringing us into at this time is the reality of the ministry of God depicted by the hand. God put a five-fold ministry into the world, and the five-fold ministry is in the church. God does not want to walk with you. He wants to walk in you. The Spanish have a way of saying, “vaya con Dios” (walk with God). It is no longer walk with God. It is no longer the Adam manifestation when he walked with God in the garden. He wants the Christ manifestation. God wants to walk in you. Let’s prove it. I think it is in II Corinthians where God blessed a man named Paul, and He gave him to us. The man began to see the beauty and the glory of God in the Old Testament as no other man that we have known. Paul was seeing by the Spirit the reality of Christ, and he experienced the awaking of the mind of man to the presence of God. That is what we are talking about, and that is what we need today.

II Corinthians 6:16 says, “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

It is the inner walking of God in us that is designed to make us the hand of God. This is the Lampstand operation in the Tabernacle. The Lampstand is hollow in the middle, and the oil is poured down into it and comes up to a level in the seven lamps; the wicks go down into the lamps and they are lighted. Oil represents the Holy Spirit, gold is the divine nature, and the wick is humanity. Humanity dipped into divinity – the oil seeps into the wick so that the wick becomes totally saturated, and that oil is going to prevent that wick from burning. You can use a wick in a lamp for a long time because of the oil that is in the lamp. The Spirit of God must permeate your being and take a hold of you, in order for you to produce God.

What God is saying in this illustration of the Lampstand is that the five-fold ministry is not always what we think it to be. We are looking at the five-fold ministry as the brothers and sisters who function in the preaching and the teaching and so on. That is not it! What it IS is that EACH OF YOU is a part of this five-fold ministry. You have some silent parts that support the rest. You are not seeing my liver, my heart or my lungs, but you are seeing the manifestations of those organs. Do you understand? So the silent members inside are even much more important than the ones that you can see function. Amen.

What God is saying is that His right hand and His holy arm (see Psalm 98:1) are not only the Spirit of God who works in you, but you become a part of the hand of God because you lift together with God. God needs you and He anoints you for a specific purpose and for that purpose only.

(Excerpt from Keeping in Touch, December 2006, pg. 4-5)

Thought for today: You have been anointed for a specific purpose and for that purpose only. Do not get diverted from it!

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Scripture reading: Romans 10:17

It is a common error which most of us make when in the heat of the battle – we forget that our power to overcome does not lie in ourselves or in our effort, but in our faith IN GOD. Faith does not necessarily have to be in God. Men can have faith in themselves, or in other persons, or even in other spirits. Today we find that this positive, but misplaced faith has invaded the Christian realm and is causing people to believe for things which are contrary to God’s will. Faith therefore can produce result and yet be not of God. The type of faith used by a well-known “Rev” in New York to produce property and riches, definitely works for those who believe, yet he does not even pretend that it is of God. This faith forms the basis of occult practices, but more and more it is being used by the Christian ministries to produce material results, without spiritual victory. In order to have the VICTORY we must place our faith in God, NOT COMMANDING GOD, as some of us believe we should do, but BELIEVING HIM to destroy the works of the world and the devil in our lives. To believe God, is righteousness.

Many of us are ready and willing to believe God but are lost in the confusion of voices, and cannot have a clear-cut word upon which to place our faith. God has provided ways and means for us to overcome this confusion.  There are basically three avenues through which God is speaking to us:

  1. God is speaking to us through His ministry – BUT there is a thousand ministers preaching a thousand different messages!
  2. God is speaking to us through His word – BUT there are so many different translations saying different things – I do not know which to follow!
  3. God is speaking to us from within by His own voice – BUT I hear so many voices within that I do not know when it is self, the devil, or God!

In spite of the many ministries and the many voices speaking different things, the Lord God has only one ministry and one voice. Any voice which gives you VICTORY over the world, the flesh, and the devil, is the voice of God. You can get victory over an ailment, or victory over financial problems, BUT that is not the barometer by which you can test the voices. The test lies in the fact that you are gaining the victory over worldliness, carnality, and the influence of the devil in your life. The whole world lies under the influence of the devil; sociology, psychology, all the sciences, and even theology are the instruments of Satan to bring the people under his power. There is not one facet of our physical world around us which is not controlled by Satan, therefore, we must hear the voice of God in order to counteract these other voices.

(Excerpt from The Omega Message, May 1986)

Thought for today: Any voice which gives you VICTORY over the world, the flesh, and the devil, is the voice of God.

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Scripture reading: John 17:18-23

The problem that we have among ourselves in the church is that we need to see the ministry functioning. Each person should be asking God, “What can I do?” One time a brother was telling us what his father used to say, “Well, sweep the floor.” You are asking, “God, what is my purpose?” “God, what am I supposed to be doing?” “What part of the Body am I?” He sent you out there to sweep the floor, and all of a sudden while you are sweeping the floor, you find yourself. You clean up refrigerators, and then you find yourself.

God is now bringing the Body together as one. He said that you would be one, even as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are one (John 17:21). Do you know why? Because there is one Spirit, and there is no division. Do you know what the apostolic business is? All it is is somebody who hears from God and gives it to you. So the apostolic vision is being sent out to the brethren, and the prophetic Word comes forth. The evangelist begins to do his thing. Some people believe that if you are an evangelist, you must go out and get revelations from God. Any evangelist that is getting a revelation from God is not an evangelist. He is an apostle. In other words, the revelation of the Spirit of the Word comes from God through the apostolic ministry to the brethren. Then you take it and begin to function under the apostolic ministry as parts of this ministry!

The next thing, the prophet gets a Word; he comes out with it, and the Word is to quicken you, to strengthen you, to help you to follow the apostolic Word. If there is another word coming forth, it is not God. God says, “Know them that labor among you” (I Thessalonians 5:12).

When I give out the Word, some of the brethren say, “Brother duCille wants everybody to follow him.” It couldn’t be further from the truth. God told me to have nothing to do with the bride. “Keep away from the bride,” He said. “Don’t bring forth any of your thoughts or things in the bride.” That was my instruction. I hope I am accomplishing it. I try my best. So, I don’t want anybody to follow me. What I am afraid of is that you are not following what God is telling me, and that’s the problem. Because, when God calls a person and gives him a direct Word, it is not something that he made up. I didn’t go to Bible school to learn it. I just listen to God and He carries me through the waters, through the fire. I gave up my accounting profession, because I couldn’t even think like an accountant any more. I had to give it up. I gave up everything that I knew and I began to concentrate on the Word of God. What you have is a ministry, a function that I have nothing to do with. I listen and I speak to you. I don’t write down what I have to say. What I am trying to say is that you have a privilege that not many people have, to hear from someone who has a fresh flow from God. Now, if it is not God, you must tell me. The fruit of what I am saying must come forth in you or else it is a waste of time.

So the point is that God appoints men and women with good faculties, who can listen and say, “Wait, this didn’t feel right!” “This did not sound right!” When you say that, it is a blessing to me. When anybody comes to me and says, “What you preached tonight didn’t sound right!” it is a blessing to me. The blessing is that I don’t know anything for myself. If you say something, I go back to God and say, “Did You tell me this, or did this come out of my mind?” If ever I find that it came out of my mind, I will be the first one to correct it. The reason is that I must bring forth Christ in His people. I cannot fail God. I cannot say things that are in my own mind. I cannot behave as I would love to sometimes. But God wants the Word to come straight to you and so that is what I must do.

(Excerpt from Keeping in Touch, December 2006, pg. 9)

Thought for today: The revelation of the Spirit of the Word comes from God through the apostolic ministry to the brethren. Then you take it and begin to function under the apostolic ministry as parts of this ministry!

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